19 June 2007

Sending to Uganda

The Desiring God blog today posted several responses from students at Westminster Theological College in Uganda to John Piper's book Let the Nations Be Glad as taught by Dr. Dave Eby in an introductory missions course. This interests me for at least two reasons:

  1. Our dear friends Kathryn and Brent Applegate have been planning a mission trip to Uganda for some time now. They and four others from their church, North City Presbyterian near San Diego, leave July 30 and return August 15. Kathryn is currently in search of long gauzy skirts to appropriately clad herself while there.
  2. Dave Eby is now the Dean of Graduate Studies at Westminster Theological College in Uganda, but he was the founding pastor of North City Presbyterian (see #1). The church has therefore long enjoyed a strong affection for Uganda, at least partly represented by their Uganda Children's Sponsorship program. Obviously, this August mission trip is connected to the Ebys' ministries there.
So my eyes opened widely when I read these encouraging bits from Ugandan believers. Perhaps the Applegates and their fellow travelers will meet some of these initialed folk. At the very least, I pray the short-term missionaries can love some kids lavishly and encourage the long-term indigenous ones while there. I'm quite sure encouragement will flow the other direction. May God be famous in Uganda.


Anonymous said...

amen!thank you for the post

Brent said...

While wearing gauzy skirts... it really does all come down to the gauzy skirts, doesn't it? gfaxssh